Ethical Barcode: FAQ

What is Ethical Barcode?

Ethical Barcode is an app for Android/iOS phones that helps you shop ethically. By showing you brand ratings from non-profit organizations when you scan the products barcode you can find out which companies share your values.

Is Your Data Accurate?

Our data has been collected from all over the internet and as such can be inaccurate. We are currently working to improve but if you notice any issues please contact us and let us know.

What UPC database Are You Using?

We use every source of data we can get our hands on. Currently we interact with over 15 webservices, 3 databases and use some barcode magic to locate products. This is always changing as services come and go but we hope to publish a complete list in the future.

How Current is Your Data?

Our data is usually less then a year old. In cases where it is older then that we try to list the publication date in the description that you see in the app. We are working on systems to continually update the data in the future.

Where Does Your Ethical Data From?

We primarily use publically availiable data from over 20 non-profit organizations. You can always see in the app where certain data comes from by tapping the entry which will take you to the source website.

I Would Like to Suggest a Datasource?

Thats great, contact us and let us know about it. Usually for us to use ethical data it needs to be linked to brands or companies rather then products directly.

Can I Help the Project?

We are a tiny group working hard to make the world a little better. Contact us and tell us how you want to contribute.

We are always looking for feedback and people to test out the app.

How Are You Making Money

We aren't right now and are paying for the servers ourselves. Eventually we hope to be able to generate enough money to support the project and to donate it back to the non-profits that drive Ethical Barcode.